Thursday, February 26, 2009

Really Free Stuff

Here's an announcement that everyone will love to hear. Some things in life are still free!! 100% free for all of us. With so much economic distress in the world, many have had to change their life style and personal expectations. People's budget's are smaller and their spending less because they are in survival mode. Times are tough and every little bit helps.

1. Free internet service still exists! There is a company called NetZero that offers up to 10 hours of free internet service per month. If you are not an avid internet user, this could work really well for you. Regular internet service can cost upwards of $50 per month. It's dial-up instead of broad band, but for the less-than-regular net user it's definitely worth looking into.

2. Free furniture and other stuff! The first place to look for free furniture is in your local newspaper. Often there is a section that is dedicated to items worth $50 or less. These are often just give always that people advertise to clear out space in their homes or after they have graduated from college and no longer need the items. Two other great places to find lots of free stuff online are and Freecycle. On these websites, people can post anything that they want to give away. Whether you find your great deal in the newspaper or through one of these two internet sites, always remember to be safe. Never go to retrieve anything alone. Plus, remember that time is of the essence and deals go very quickly. So, as soon as you see it, make contact and make plans to pick the item up. This is one time that you should not dawdle.

3. Free meals! If you have a family, you know the value of taking advantage of "free kids meals" or "kids eat free" offers. They do still exist, though not as bounteous as in times past. Search online, keep an eye out for deals in your local newspaper, and always check a restaurant's website. Another way to get free meals for yourself and your companion is to sign up for restaurant email clubs. If you don't want the emails coming into your "regular" email account, then set up a "FREE" one, yet another great freebie, through a service like Yahoo, Google, or MSN. Then, use that free one to retrieve all of the free dinner deals that your stomach can handle!

So, for those that needed a little cheering up and consolation, here's a list of stuff that you can actually afford and enjoy, this list of stuff will really help you enjoy life to the full!

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